The Garden of Umbra
You, Tene, are the proud owner of the cottage in the Garden of Umbra. Situated between the waking world and the dominion of dreams, your days are peaceful, pristine, and soon to be repeatedly interrupted.
How It Works
- Listen to the dreamers mumblings. Bold words give you a hint to the personality traits they desire! You're looking for one, two or three traits.
- Using your notes, work out these traits and which shadow aspects associate with each one. You are trying to find or combine other shadows to make one with these!
- Capture creature's shadows! You'll often need to work out how to approach them, or how to make their full shadow visible in order to do so (checkout the capture tab of your notes in game). You can see what aspects their shadow will have above their head when it's capturable, or by hovering over your flask once it's been grabbed.
- If you have the right solution - talk to the dreamer to automatically give them the shadow and help them find their full form. If not, try something else!
Combining Shadows
If you can't find a creature with the exact aspects you need, and you have more than one flask, then you can capture multiple shadows. These will combine based on which flask holds what, with the final shadow being made by filling each aspect slot with the available aspect furthest to the left (look at the combining tab of your notes in game for more detail)
The World
When a dreamer is especially troubled, they may get lost on their way back to the waking world. Such lost dreamers often turn up in your garden, a state that would be rather concerning if not for your knack with umbral magic.
By capturing the shadows of the local creatures in your shadow jars, you are able to draw forth their characteristic aspects and combine them together into precise, potent, shadows of transformation.
A dreamer that is infused with such a shadow inherits this cocktail of traits, and with the right balance, can be bestowed with the guidance needed to find their way back home. Lingering shades of these dreamers will often share their tales with you, and you may learn a little more of their life, should you so wish.
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Very cool game! It needs polishing (like every jam game), but the potential is there for sure. Have to say, very creative way of incorporating the theme and the music is nice as well! I'm really interested about the full version of this game.
Thank you kindly, it's always really motivating to hear when players get a good feel of the vision. We're excited to put some polish on it in weeks to come - all the feedback we've received has been super useful. We loved Cafe Nigredo, hope your team are having a wonderful jam! ๐
This is so cute and fun!! I love all the little creatures so much, and getting to read the dreamers dialogue is such a great reward for solving their puzzles!! The riddles feel satisfying to solve, with a mix of word games, interacting with the world, and a bit of logic to get to the right answer.
Thank you for the glowing review, my heart is very full right now ๐
Cute and beautifull! I would totally play that in a full version
Thank you so much, that means the world to us! ๐